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How to invert camera on mac

how to invert camera on mac

When using your Mac for video calls or capturing photos and videos, you might sometimes need to invert your camera’s image. This can be necessary for a variety of reasons, such as creating mirrored effects or correcting the camera orientation in certain applications. In this detailed how-to article, I’ll share personal experiences and several methods I’ve used to invert the camera on a Mac, ensuring you’re fully equipped to manage your camera’s view to your preference.


Common Scenarios:

Why You Might Want to Invert Your Camera 📷

  • Virtual Meetings: During video conferences, you might need to show text or images correctly to other participants.
  • Live Streaming: If you’re live streaming, flipping your camera can help maintain the natural direction of objects for viewers.
  • Creative Projects: For artistic reasons, you may want the mirrored effect that comes with inverting the camera feed.

Common Issues When Camera is Not Inverted 🙃

  • Confusion: Images or text appear backward to viewers, causing misunderstandings.
  • Unnatural Orientation: The camera feed can seem unnatural if physical movements are mirrored incorrectly.
  • Application Requirements: Some apps may require inverted video input for proper functioning.

Inaccuracies in Recorded Content 🎞

  • Cognitive Dissonance: When recording educational material or tutorials, accurate presentation is key.
  • Editing Hassles: Having an inverted camera can result in additional editing steps in post-production.
  • User Experience: Ensuring a pleasant viewing experience often necessitates managing camera orientation effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide. How To Invert Camera On Mac:

Method 1: Use Built-in Photo Booth 😊

  • Open Photo Booth on your Mac from the Applications folder.
  • Click on the ‘Effects’ button and choose the ‘Flip’ effect.
  • Your camera’s view should now be inverted; you can record or take photos with this effect applied.

Note: This change only affects content captured within Photo Booth and won’t invert your camera for other applications.

Conclusion: Photo Booth provides an easy way to invert your camera for informal uses like selfies or quick video captures.

Method 2: Adjust Camera Settings in Third-Party Apps

  • Open a third-party video application such as Zoom or Skype.
  • Access the application’s ‘Settings’ or ‘Preferences’ menu.
  • Look for the video or camera settings option and find the ‘Mirror my video’ or similar toggle.
  • Enable this feature to invert your camera view during video calls.

Note: This method is specific to each application and doesn’t affect your camera settings for other apps or the system as a whole.

Conclusion: Switching camera inversion settings in individual apps can be ideal for video conferencing needs.

Method 3: Use QuickTime Player for Video Recording 🎥

  • Open QuickTime Player on your Mac.
  • Go to the ‘File’ menu and select ‘New Movie Recording’.
  • Click on the small arrow next to the record button to access the camera settings.
  • Select the option to flip the camera view if available.

Note: Inverting the camera view through QuickTime Player is temporary and only affects the current recording session.

Conclusion: QuickTime Player is a convenient tool for Mac users needing to record inverted videos occasionally.

Method 4: Use Terminal Command for Permanent Change 💻

  • Open the Terminal application on your Mac.
  • Type in a specific command that alters the camera feed at the system level (e.g. ‘defaults write com.apple.FaceTime AutoFlip -bool YES’).
  • Press ‘Enter’ and then restart any open applications that use the camera.

Note: This method is more advanced and can affect all applications using the camera on your Mac. Make sure to back up your settings before proceeding.

Conclusion: The Terminal offers a powerful way to invert the camera for users comfortable with command-line tools.

Method 5: Install and Use Webcam Settings App 🎛

  • Download a webcam control app such as Webcam Settings from the Mac App Store.
  • Install and run the application following the provided instructions.
  • Adjust the camera settings within the app to achieve a mirrored effect.

Note: Some apps may require purchase, but offer granular control over your webcam settings including inversion.

Conclusion: Webcam control apps are a great solution for those who require frequent adjustments to their camera settings.

Method 6: Use Mac Apps With In-Camera Controls 🖥

  • Discover apps that come with built-in camera controls by searching the Mac App Store.
  • Download and install an app that lets you invert the camera feed within the app’s interface.
  • Follow the app’s instructions to flip the camera view as needed.

Note: This solution works within the scope of the specific app used and doesn’t affect your camera settings for other applications.

Conclusion: If you’re looking for an app-specific solution, this method provides a tailored experience within certain applications.


Precautions and Tips:

Camera Orientation Considerations 🤔

  • Always test: Before any important use, test your camera’s inversion settings to ensure they work as expected.
  • Check compatibility: Certain apps may not support camera inversion, so it’s worth verifying compatibility beforehand.
  • Understand the scope: Know whether the changes you make affect the camera globally or just within one application.

Backup Your Settings 💾

  • Create system backups: Before making any major changes to your camera settings, especially using the Terminal, it’s wise to use Time Machine or a similar service to back up your Mac.
  • Record original settings: Jot down or take screenshots of your original settings in case you need to revert.
  • Update your software: Ensure your Mac’s operating system and all apps are up to date to avoid any compatibility issues with camera settings.

Enhanced Video Handling

For content creators and professionals who frequently engage in video work, having control over camera settings, including the ability to invert the camera on a Mac, is essential. This can range from adjusting the brightness and contrast to more advanced features like setting a custom white balance or applying unique effects in real-time.

It’s also worth exploring additional video software that provides more features. Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro are industry leaders offering rich editing suites that can handle camera inversion during the post-production process.

Third-party developers have also created plugins and extensions that can add inversion functionality to native Mac apps. A good example is ManyCam, which serves as a virtual webcam and lets you manipulate your camera feed extensively. Check out additional webcam plugins on resources like MacUpdate.

For those who need to use their Mac’s camera regularly, investing in an external webcam may provide greater flexibility. Some external webcams come with their own software that offers a plethora of settings including image flipping, which might not be available with the built-in Mac camera.


In conclusion, inverting the camera on a Mac can be accomplished through various methods, depending on your needs. From simple fixes like using Photo Booth for casual purposes to more permanent changes via Terminal commands for professional demands, Mac users have several options to manage camera orientation effectively. Additionally, understanding the importance of backups, software updates, and compatibility checks will make the process smoother. Whether you’re flipping the camera for creative projects, live streaming, or just to correct the camera view for a video call, there’s a suitable solution for every scenario.


In Photo Booth, tap the ‘Effects’ button, and on the second page, you’ll find the option to flip your camera image, producing a mirrored effect.

There isn’t a keyboard shortcut to invert the camera; you must use an app like Photo Booth or third-party software for camera effects.

To permanently invert your camera, you’d need to use third-party software like ManyCam (manycam.com) or CamTwist.

macOS doesn’t provide a built-in setting to flip the camera. Users need to rely on apps or external software to achieve this effect.

Yes, flipping your camera affects how others see you; it will toggle between a mirrored view and a true-to-life view.

No, the Terminal doesn’t offer commands to invert your camera. Inversion is typically done through specific applications or software features.

Camera inversion is generally app-specific. Third-party programs can offer a system-wide effect for all applications.

ManyCam and CamTwist are popular third-party apps for camera effects, including inversion on macOS.

In Zoom, go to ‘Video Settings’ and uncheck ‘Mirror my video’ to correct an inverted camera during a call.

Skype for Mac doesn’t have a built-in setting to invert the camera; you’d have to either use Skype’s video settings or third-party software.