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Best Timer Apps For Mac

Best Timer Apps For Mac

As a dedicated Mac user, I’m always on a quest for tools that can enhance my productivity and streamline my workflow. One such category of tools that has proven indispensable are timer apps. Timer apps for Mac users come in various shapes and forms, offering functionalities ranging from basic countdowns to sophisticated time management features that help keep track of time spent on tasks. Let’s dive into some of the best timer apps available for Mac, providing a balanced perspective on each.


Be Focused

Be Focused employs the Pomodoro technique to break work into intervals separated by short breaks, helping to maintain focus and mental agility. The app offers a simple and clean user interface, allowing for ease of use right from the start. You can customize the length of work periods, short breaks, and long breaks to align with your workflow.

Official Website


  • Integrates with Mac’s native notifications
  • Allows for task customization and tracking


  • Limited reporting features
  • Pro version needed for full functionality

Timing screenshot

Timing goes beyond mere timing by automatically tracking the time you spend on various apps and websites. This app is perfect for those who want detailed reports of their daily activities without manual input. With Timing, you can discover exactly what you were working on at any given time, thus enabling accurate client billing and project management.

Official Website


  • Automatic tracking of app and document usage
  • Detailed productivity reports


  • May be overkill for users who need simple tracking
  • Subscription-based pricing model

Toggl Track screenshot

Toggl Track is known for its versatility and user-friendly design. It’s an exceptional tool for freelancers and teams who require cross-platform time tracking capabilities. The app offers robust reporting that can be customized to fit various needs, and it has the ability to integrate with numerous project management tools.

Official Website


  • Cross-platform support, including a browser extension
  • Powerful reporting and export options


  • Some advanced features locked behind a paywall
  • Can be complex for first-time users

Timer by

The Timer by is a minimalist app that sits in your Mac’s menu bar, allowing you to quickly start and stop a basic countdown timer. It’s built for users who want an unobtrusive and straightforward tool without any bells and whistles.

Official Website


  • Simple and easy to use
  • Resides in menu bar for quick access


  • Lacks advanced features like task integration
  • No reporting capabilities

Time Out

Time Out is unique among timer apps because it focuses on health and wellness, reminding you to take regular breaks. The app is highly customizable, allowing users to set the frequency and duration of reminders for both micro-breaks and longer rest periods. This ensures that you’re not spending too long in front of your screen without a pause, which is beneficial for both physical and mental health.

Official Website


  • Promotes healthy work habits with break reminders
  • Customizable break schedules


  • Not designed for task or time tracking
  • Features may be too basic for some users

Focus Booster

Focus Booster is another Pomodoro-based app, but it differs by offering live dashboards that provide insightful analytics on how you’re spending your time. This can be especially useful for individuals who are billing by the hour and need to present clients with transparent, visual time reports.

Official Website


  • Pomodoro technique integration
  • Live dashboard for real-time tracking


  • Limited features in the free version
  • Some users may find the interface less intuitive


Time management is critical in today’s fast-paced world. While timer apps can be an excellent aid in managing our days better, it’s also important to have a broader understanding of effective time management practices. The Eisenhower Matrix, for instance, is a valuable tool that helps prioritize tasks by urgency and importance, potentially boosting productivity.

Another key concept is the idea of ‘time blocking’, which involves assigning specific blocks of time for particular activities or tasks. This technique, when utilized with timer apps, ensures that time is allocated deliberately to the most important tasks, and can help manage distractions better.

Of course, no discussion on time management would be complete without touching upon mindfulness and its relationship with productivity. Practicing mindfulness can help bring awareness to how we use our time and make conscious decisions about our activities. Combining mindfulness and timer apps is like having an internal and external guide to keep us on track.

For more comprehensive insights into time management techniques, consider visiting authoritative websites like MindTools or accessing literature from time management experts such as David Allen and his ‘Getting Things Done’ methodology.


Be Focused is a popular option for its focus timer and goal-setting features, while Time Out excels in reminding users to take breaks. Alinof Timer is known for simplicity and ease of use.

Be Focused employs the Pomodoro technique to split work into intervals with short breaks, aiding in concentration and efficiency. Visit their homepage for more details.

Alinof Timer provides a straightforward interface with countdown timers and an easy setup for quick tasks. Check their offerings on the official website.

Yes, Time Out is designed to dovetail with macOS, providing seamless break reminders that can be customized to user preferences and schedule.

Pomodone is tailored for students with its ability to link to popular task management apps and a focus on the Pomodoro technique for studying sessions.

The app Timer stands out for its minimalistic design, offering a no-frills countdown facility that stays out of the way and is perfect for quick time management.

Absolutely, Focus Booster is one such app that combines a timer with productivity tracking, allowing you to review your work patterns and progress over time.

Focus@Will offers scientifically optimized music to work alongside its timer, aiming to enhance concentration and reduce distractions while tackling tasks.

Yes, Hourglass is a free option offering features like countdowns, stopwatches, and alarms, catering to various time management needs without cost.

GoodTimer is a highly customizable option, letting users create their own timer presets for different activities, each with unique sound and visual notifications.